Sunday, November 11, 2007

Radio Flyer 9A

This Radio Flyer steel wagon has been in my wife's family for 28 years. My wife's grand mother bought the radio flyer for her, since she was the first grand child on her mother's.They initially bought it for her when she was a 1 year old.
The wagon always sat in their backyard, garden, garage or wherever else the last kid, p
et, or grown-up happened to abandon it. Yesterday, I decided to restore it so that our 9 months old baby can start using it on his 1 year old birthday.
My objective was simply to clear the rust, reinforce the wagon, which was weaken by years of abuse from children, weather and other living entities.
I started with a removing of most of the dust and a polish. I used a power drill with metallic brush to clean the wagon and its handle.
Then I fought the rust while trying to unscrew the wheels off to clean and paint them.

After taking off wheels, handle and wagon apart (the battery of the camera was down, so no pictures), I painted the every major component back to their original color, except for the radio flyer letterings on the sides of the wagon. I deliberately left that untouched in order to showcase the "age" factor of this collectible.

Final result. I added a little "touch" to the wheels. Always customized your ride!

Thanks to Grand-Pa Emil for the supplies and tools.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

TurtlesLoveMaking_3451, France

Check out a sample of my travel, outdoors and freelance photography on this Flickr account.

UpperAntelope, Page, AZ

UpperAntelope, Page, AZ
Originally uploaded by Edmond Bollo
Check out some of my outdoors, travel, and freelance photography work on this Flickr account.

TurtlesLoveMaking_3451, France

Check out some of my travel, outdoors and fine art photography on my Flickr account.

Flick & Blogger

Just added Flickr to join my blogger. Cool. Now we'll post more pictures.
It's 1:21 am and I should be in bed.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back in Teaneck, NJ

Sorry everyone, it has been almost a month since my last posting.
I'm back to Teaneck, NJ working on the client site. Coincidently, I don't have much to say.
I'm tired. Worked out in the morning, worked all day at work, then went to "Body Sculpting" at the hotel gym. That was fun and intense. My muscles are all sore and a little tired.
Liem and Shelly are doing Ok. Liem is teething and already has one little tooth that came out.
He's now trying to chew on EVERYTHING he can get his hands on!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Joyeux Anniversaire Olivier! 
Happy Birthday Olivier!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hello from NYC

M&Ms World store- one of my favorite places in NYC [ also in Las Vegas], so far.

It's been a little while. How is everyone doing?
I'm busy and writing you from New Jersey, precisely in Teaneck, NJ where i'm working on an Oracle Incentive compensation implementation.
Teaneck is a nice little town, 20 minutes (on good traffic day) from Manhattan. We work long hours but I managed to run to NYC around 8pm today to discover Times Squares and be amazed by the life in the Big Apple.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

CTIA SmartBrief

To my friends in Europe!

Report: T-Mobile bringing iPhone to Germany
T-Mobile will soon offer exclusive iPhone contracts in Germany, according to published reports. T-Mobile and parent Deutsche Telekom did not comment on the report. (7/4)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Guess what I have in my hand?

You've probably heard of the iPhone by now?
Hi hi hi

Check it out!

It is really cool!


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Photography Exhibition in Tulsa ending soon.

Some photos from the exhibition.


Congratulations Olivier for your job.

Get as much experience as you can, save your money and smell the "Sweet Smell of Success"

Having a bad day in Newport News.

I'm back in Newport News this week for two weeks straight. No going home on the week-end.
There is a lot of work to be done. Go into the office at 7:00 - 7:30am and leave at 22:00 -23:00.
Today, I'm having a bad day but since life is hard for everyone, I won't bother you with it.

I'm not going home this week-end. We will be working.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Phising email #1

I will be posting photos and warnings of phising emails that I receive on this website so that you can be alerted also.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Stuck in Detroit

Hello everyone,
I am writing to you from a room at the Clarion Hotel in Romulus, Michigan 2 miles from the Detroit International Airport. I'm stuck in Detroit.
My flight from Norfolk, VA was delayed by 30 minutes, which made me miss my corresponding flight out of Detroit even though I ran like a crazy man, pushing everybody out of the way but I didn't make the flight.
I will not get into Tulsa until 1045 am tomorrow, Friday, missing a meeting that was scheduled for 10am.

Trying to make the best out of this delay, while checking in at the hotel where I'm staying for one night, I remembered that my good friend Amro lived in Detroit.
Quick call to his mobile, and a voicemail later, Amro is coming to pick me up to show me around.
Shelly and I met Amro while attending OU. I have not seen him in 4-5 years.

OK. Got to go.

Talk to you later.


Monday, June 11, 2007

New pictures of Liem and Shelly from the Lake Trip '07

Hello everyone, we just came back from the Schroder's family reunion in Lake Texoma (TEXAS + OKLAHOMA) Sunday evening.

I posted some new pictures of Liem at the Lake trip with his cousins, grandparents, and everyone else.
The pictures are on the link below:

You can click backward to see the latest photographs first... from 134 to 174.
Edmond BOLLO
Beta Tester Badge 1

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Hey Martine turned 25 yesterday !

Happy Birthday to my lovely sister tinus souricette. !

bonne idee

j'aime pense que tu devrais send l'invitation a ilou, parce que ce bonhomme a toujours bcp de choses a

I got tricked! J'ai ete trompe!

Hey guys, this was supposed to be my last week in Newport News, VA and I was supposed to work from Tulsa.
I just found out today that I'm expected to be back here next week and may be even the week after. They tricked me!

That's how this industry is. You must go where you are needed. I must agree that while working on site, I'm much more productive than when I work from Tulsa. The managers and project managers know that, the client knows that, that's why if you are in the consultant model, you will be asked/expected to travel quite frequently.

I told Shelly the news and of course she was a bit disappointed. It's not easy but we are going to do it and be winners because WE ARE SPARTANS !!!!!!!

Til next time,

It's 219pm, local time and I'm about to shutdown my computer, grab my laptop bag, jump on the rental car (Mitsubhi Eclipse again) and head to Norfolk, VA to catch my plane back to Tulsa.
I just hope my flights are not going to be delayed or canceled.

Tomorrow is Impact Day, our day of community service at Deloitte. During Impact Day, once a year, we provide community service by serving one or more local charities or institutions that provide some form of relief, assistance or services for people in needs. It's a great way to act selflessly and to help the community while seeing how some people live can be improved for the better.

After Impact Day, I'll have my photo exhibition at the SELF Gallery, from 7-10pm.
After the exhibition, I'll go pick up Liem and Shelly and we'll head over to Glenn Cidar Millls, TX for the "Lake Trip"- the Schroder's yearly family reunion.
I'll post pictures of that event on my MSN spaces at

It's going to be a long Friday !!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Listen to Mandarin on iTunes

To discover some good modern, rock, hip-hop and R&B chinese's style, listen to
This is a very cool station with authentic chinese Rap, R&B and other forms of music.

Bei Tian (my chinese name)

Back to Newport News

Hello Everyone,
I have returned to Newport News, VA since monday morning.
Everything is OK except that I miss Shelly and Liem.

Today, I went to a health fair to have my health checked. They were offering tests for Body Fat, BMI (Body Mass Index), GLucose and Cholesterol checks.

Here are my results:
% of Body Fat BP GLU CHOL
23.7 134/73 84 155

I need to get a better diet (loose body fat) and some stretching of my legs and harm strings.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Leaving NN

Heading to the airport now!
I don't want to miss my flight again.

I'm going to have to work on Sunday for an hour or 2.
How is everything going at la Brosse and in Ardmore?

I'll talk to you guys later.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Photography by Edmond Bollo

A photography exhibit is opening on June 8th featuring the work of
Freelance Photographer Edmond Bollo.

At the SELF Gallery, 2012 E. 11th St., Tulsa from 7 - 10pm.


A self-taught photographer, Edmond Bollo combines creative energy, fun, and a unique eye to create striking landscape, fine art and portrait photographs. Born and raised in Cameroon, Central Africa and now living in Tulsa, Edmond has spent the last decade traveling throughout North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. His passion for travel combined with a sense of the abstract allow him to strive to immortalize the beauty around us.

Back to Newport News

Hello everyone,
This week is English language only.

I'm back to Newport News, VA since Tuesday morning after spending the week-end and the holiday (monday was Memorial Day) at home with Liem and Shelly.
The work on my project is intense but I successfully completed one project while
here and it is working fine. I'm now working on two projects simultaneously, nothing new.

I see that it has been a week since I invited all of you to join my Blog site but so far, out of the 8 people, only 2 have accepted my blog invitation.

Liem and Shelly are doing OK. Liem now wakes up around 12am and 5 am only when he goes to bed by 8:00 pm. Shelly's mom arrived yesterday to help Shelly around the house and to babysit Lill L during the day. I am very happy that she's there, that's a great help and gives Shelly a little break.

Well, that's all for now, I'll post some pictures later.



Friday, May 25, 2007

Photos mise a jour sur mon espace MSN

Nouvelles photos sur mon espace MSN


Si vous voulez poster des reponses ou des messages sur ce blog, dites moi et je vous inviterai a etre des auteurs.


Pour OLIVIER : Get Yours!

Le but de ce message est de t'inspirer a postuler pour un ou meme 2 emplois.
J'ai pris mon temps pour me renseigner et reflechir sur les portes qui te seraient ouvertes a ton niveau actuel mais SURTOUT par rapport a ta personalite et a ce que tu aimeras avoir dans la vie. C'est n'est pas bien d'avoir pour but principal le materiel mais si ca peut te motiver pour devenir independent financierement et avoir une carriere professionelle, pourquoi pas.

Donc Olivier, s'il te plait: decarcasse toi et trouve toi 1 ou 2 boulots. Ne te soucies pas a ton niveau d'education ou quoi que ce soit, fonces seulement. Voici quelques idees pour commencer.
Je suis disponible 24/24 pour t'aider a creer un CV, resume ou meme lettre de demande d'embauche ou meme te conseiller sur comment gagner un entretien. Des que tu choisis 2-3 boulots pour lesquels postuler, fais moi signe.

Ces idees de metier sont realisables sans avoir le BAC ou autre gros diplomes a condition que tu trouves un employeur qui soit pres a te donner une chance mais surtout que TU prouves et impressiones lors de l'entretien ou meme sur ton CV.

- manutention ou service de maintenance aeronautique pr un aeroport ou une compagnie aerienne .
  • formation technique souvent offerte pr l'employeur
  • reductions ou forfaits sur les billets d'avion
  • assurance medicale et autres...
  • possibilite de carriere si perseverant et audacieux
  • workout et fitness due a la nature des taches
- Service clientele ou caisse dans un centre commercial ou magasin d'electronique exple FNAC:
  • ton savoir faire pour tout ce qui est gadget electro-mecanique
  • facile et simple du moment que tu peux supporter le "contact avec les gens"
  • reductions sur les produits (peut etre)
  • possibilite de carriere si perseverant et audacieux - manager, etc...
- Technicien de support technique pr services informatiques (commencer chez une societe d'un invidu pr plus de chances et apres postuler ds les grandes compagnies)
  • tes connaissances informatiques et celles de la famille (Support)
  • ce service sera TOUJOURS demande
  • possibilite de formation sur le tas
  • possibilite de carriere si perseverant et audacieux

Je sais bien que ces boulots la ont aussi des inconvenients et d'autres difficultes mais ce n'est meme pas a tenir en compte car la maintenant tu ne fais rien du tout. Ne te soucie pas du transport, ne prends meme pas cette excuse la, postules d'abord pr l'emploi en disant que tu seras la tous les jours avant l'heure et partira apres l'heure, lorsque tu obtiens l'emploi, tu verras que tu trouveras une solution pr le transport. Ne te demandes pas encore comment, la STAR, Stephanie, scooter (apres avoir pu paye l'assur grace aux premiers salaires), les rides demandes a gche et dte, te viendront en aide.

Bon j'arrete la.

Si tout ca ne marche pas, vas voir mon homonyme, Edmond Herve, maire de Rennes.


Informations utiles pour toi ou Xan: CHERCHER UN EMPLOI SANS LE BAC (en France)

Première étape, s'inscrire aux Assedic, même si vous n'avez jamais travaillé, et à l'ANPE qui organise des sessions de recherche pratique. Fort heureusement, de nombreux métiers sont accessibles sans le bac, notamment dans les secteurs de la vente, de l'accueil (standardiste), de l'hôtellerie restauration (serveur, cuisinier), de l'aide à domicile (assistante maternelle, aide ménagère), de la sécurité (agent de sécurité) ou des transports (chauffeur routier). Bien souvent, les entreprises qui recrutent dans ces secteurs se chargent de vous former. Mais on peut préférer une autre voie :
  • la formation en alternance. Le principe consiste à suivre des cours tout en travaillant en entreprise. Plusieurs types de contrats possibles, dont les deux principaux sont lecontrat d'apprentissage et lecontrat de qualification. Bon à savoir : de grandes entreprises - Conforama, Renault...- ont développé leurs propres écoles de formation maison, accessibles par ces contrats. D'autres formations plus courtes et sans alternance - dans la téléphonie mobile par exemple -, permettent d'acquérir un certificat de qualification professionnelle, un bon passeport pour l'emploi.

Coince a Newport News

Salut a tous,

J'ai rate mon vol hier soir pr rentrer sur Tulsa car je suis parti du bureau tard et je devais conduire jusqu'a Norfolk qui est a 30mins de retour (sans emboutaillage). Malheureusement il y'avait embouteillage sur le pont et dans le tunnel. Et pourtant j'ai bien fais mon Harry Vatanen sur la route. Je suis arrive a la porte d'embarquement juste quand la forme de l'avion avait ete scellee.
* Je suis parti du bureau tard car je devais attendre un des managers qui etait en reunion.

Donc, j'ai passe 1hr 30mins a l'aeroport pour negocier et chercher un vol pr Tulsa mais tout etait plein pour hier et meme Vendredi a cause du ferie de Lundi. Donc je n'ai pas trouver qu'une place sur un vol partant aujourd'hui a 14hr30 et arrivant a Tulsa a 21h00.

J'ai donc du rappeller l'hotel pr reserver une chambre, reprendre une voiture de location (ils m'ont donne une Eclipse cette fois ci. J'avais une Pontiac G6 depuis Lundi.) , me remettre en route pour Newport News car je comptais travailler chez le client aujourd'hui (ou je suis maintenant).
Je travaillerai donc jusqu'a midi et me mettrai en route a midi ou meme 11hr30 pour etre sur d'etre a l'heure car la plupart des gens sont en conges aujourd'hui pour avoir un ferie de 4 jours.

Tout ca est bien excitant et cool (hotel, avion, voiture) mais ca m'eloigne de Pootchoupou et de Lill Shell. ... c'est la vie, a supporter pour le moment.

Je suis donc au boulot, prenant 10 minutes pour vous ecrire.

A plus tard

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bonjour from Newport News, VA- 5-24-2007

Bonjour a tous,

Comment va la vie? J'ai decide de recommencer a envoyer des emails a ma famille plus frequemment qu'avant.

Maman: J'espere que tu vas quand meme essayer de reprendre tes conges et te reposer un peu.
Papa: Bonne chasse des photos de papillons et continues d'utiliser ton EOS 1D Mark II
Martine: J'espere que ca va et que la dame a voir pr ton dossier ne t'a pas fais trop de difficultes. Meme si elle t'en a fait, n'oublie pas notre plan d'action.
Olivier: Trouves toi un boulot, une formation ou autre. Ne continue pas a te "gaspiller" de la sorte. Reste en bonne sante physique.
Xan: J'espere que tes entretiens ont ete favorables et que tu continues de postuler pour d'autres emplois.
MP: J'espere que ton boulot ca va et que tu t'amuses bien quand tu peux.
Ilyan: Je suis sur que toi tu t'amuses tres bien et que ton niveau d'energie est a 200%. Il faut un peu en garder qd meme.

De notre cote ca va bien. Liem grandit (je crois) et est a Tulsa avec Shelly. Moi je suis encore dans la ville de Newport News ou je suis en mission cette semaine et la semaine prochaine. Je prends l'avion en fin d'apres midi pour repartir sur Bixby et je reviens ici Mardi (Lundi est un jour ferie: Memorial Day - commemoration des defunts des forces armees dans l'histoire des Etats-Unis).

Newport News est sur la cote Est des Etats-Unis, en Virginie. On travaille ds le centre ville et c'est assez chic mais avec une atmosphere de toute petite ville. Je mettrai des photos sur un site. Je suis au Marriott, qui se trouve a 300m de l'immeuble ds lequel je travaille et il y a un grand etang artificiel devant au milieu de la place. C'est cool.

J'ai meme parle a Romuald par chat hier nuit. Il est en formation a Chicago en ce moment.

Bref, voila pour les nouvelles. Je vous embrasse tous.
La suite, la semaine prochaine sur ce blog.
